A week after my 1st date with Jeff, and we’re galavanting around town on our 2nd date. The night before, I started to feel like I was coming down with the ickies. I guess it didn’t help that hours earlier I was fundraising outdoors at work. Once I got home, I started on a rotation of drinks (nooooo, not that kind): orange juice, lemon-lime Gatorade, and Green Tea. I dread being sick on a date. I hate being sick, period.
The morning of, Jeff still wanted to go out even though I wasn’t feeling 100% and he promised we’d wing it. The original plans were to grab a bite to eat, then visit the Zoo. With me zapped of my strength, there was no way I had the energy to walk around for long stretches. We ate at the Arcade Restaurant, Memphis’ oldest restaurant, established in 1919. We even got to dine in Elvis’ booth.
I wanted Jeff to try the Sweet Potato Pancakes. They’re to-die-for. I have bestowed two other restaurants with this title for their pancakes: Sam & Omie’s in Nags Head (Outer Banks, North Carolina) and Richard Walker’s Pancake House in downtown San Diego (get their blueberry!).
Arcade’s history on their menu
Sweet Potato Pancakes (from another day)
This is after I slathered it with butter and syrup…..and ate a couple of forkfuls
Elvis’ booth
We got to sit in his booth!
Elvis’ signature forever immortalized
The Tennessee Welcome Center was our next stop, where we hoped looking at brochures would spawn some fun activities. Imagine my surprise when I saw these two larger-then-life statues as walked in:
Elvis statue
To view photo in Flickr, go to http://www.flickr.com/photos/yummies4tummies/4207189183
I managed to talked Jeff into watching the Michael Jackson “This is It” movie. When I first brought it up earlier in the week, he wasn’t too enthused about it. I’m sure he was now conceding ’cause I wasn’t feeling my usual self, and he didn’t want a sickly AND upset date on his hands. LOL. We drove to Midtown and as luck would have it, the first showing wasn’t due to start for another half-hour. I asked to stay in the car for another 15 minutes. I was buying time. I was starting to feel worse with each passing minute. I could tell Jeff was anxious to buy our tickets only to graciously endure the movie. I finally called it off; my instincts told me I’ll be catching some shut-eye during the opening credits…and then I’d never live that one down. LOL.
I knew the only way I could stay awake was to actually have my synapses firing so I suggested The Pink Palace Museum. Ever the gentleman, Jeff was happy to oblige. The furnishing and exhibits are nothing short of amazing.
Pink Palace Mansion (part of the Pink Palace Museum)
Pink Palace Mansion
Made with pink Georgian marble
Pink Palace Mansion
Built in 1923
19th century Curio from Austria
Gosh golly, it was even more beautiful up close
I’m not so sure there will ever be a more exquisite fireplace I set eyes on
Replica of a childhood home (inside an enclosed case)
Made from 27,000 miniature nails, aluminum cans, leather, aluminum strips, and wood
I literally had to sweet-talk Jeff into looking for his camera to give me these next 2 photos:
The Clyde Parke Miniature Circus
This is the “big tent”
Clyde Parke spent 30 years making this masterpiece
Sorry it’s a blurry shot
May not seem like it, but there are 1,500 “people” in the audience
It’s all hand-carved and the whole thing is 15 feet wide
This is behind the “big tent”
A one horsepower motor powers this circus
There was so much to see in the museum like mounted animals and birds, fossils and dinosaurs, fashionable coats through the years, and replica of the original Piggy Wiggly grocery store (a mere closet compared to today’s grocery stores and Super Wal-Marts). There were lots more exhibitis but I was partially delirious while exploring the museum.
Because I’m a dessertie, I had brought a list of restaurants with me. As we pulled up to the first one on my list, there were zero cars parked on the premises. To hide my disappointment, I asked what next. I suppose he took it to mean something else because in a bat of an eye, he’s planting a kiss on me. I’ll just say now, besides shock registering, there’s no mistake about it: Jeff is a good kisser. I could tell by the questions he asked on the drive to the 2nd restaurant, he started to second-guess himself. And of course I reassured him I was okay with his rather forward display of affection.
We ended up at Tug’s Grill in a community called Harbor Town just across the bridge from the Pyramid. Just minutes from downtown, and Harbor Town is like stepping into another dimension. It doesn’t look anything like any other Memphis community (not that I would reaaaallly know having moved here earlier this year, LOL). For one, it’s right by the Mississippi River. Then there’s the eye-catching homes like the ones near Tom Lee Park . It has that small neighborhood feel. I counted 2 or 3 parking lots where you can watch the barges moving up and down the Mississippi River. There’s a walking trail with benches where you can count on seeing folks walking their 4-legged pets.
I wish I could say I was impressed with my Apple Pie but truthfully we both agreed it tasted like the Mrs. Smith’s brand. Jeff had the Mississippi Mud Pie, and it was a notch above my dessert because it was choooocolate.
Apple Pie with warm caramel sauce
I soooo did not sneak a bite before I snapped this photo, LOL
Mississippi Mud Pie
“Layers of chocolate on an Oreo crust topped with whipped cream, chocolate, caramel, and pecans”
To view photo in Flickr, go to http://www.flickr.com/photos/yummies4tummies/4207895958
The view of the sun setting and the Mississippi River more than made up for the lackluster desserts. Instead of getting up from my chair, I got Jeff’s permission to place my legs on his lap while I turned to my side to take this photo.
I wonder if the residents realize how good they have it here
I didn’t realize ’til much later that Jeff ordered our desserts at Tug’s Grill. Secretly, I’ve always dug it when guys order for me (he’s the 2nd guy who has evvver done this).
Leaving Tug’s, Jeff grabbed my hand as we went for a walk along the Mississippi River. We spotted a bench to watch the sun disappear into the horizon. Jeff took these photos so we’d always have this sunset:
It just dawned on me there are a couple of similarities between this date and the first. Last time, we had Sweet Potatoes Fries with our burgers at Kooky Canuck and for this date, we indulged in Sweet Potato Pancakes. We gawked at Elvis Presley statues both times.
The one key difference for me is that Jeff was way more talkative and assertive this time ’round. Um, did I mention he’s a good kisser? 😛
Stayed tuned for Date #3…
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