Had lots planned for Date #6…namely baking, buying dessert from somewhere, seeing the River Market district and the Clinton Presidential Library in Little Rock.
But first thing’s first: Dinner. Driving along the interstate in Arkansas, you’d have to be blind to miss the Dixie Café. They’re everywhere! My curiosity was piqued, so we popped in for an early dinner. Jeff couldn’t wait to nibble on their jalapeño cornbread. (While I’m a certified wuss when it comes to hot and spicy, Jeff’s definitely NOT). The Lemon Pepper Grilled Chicken was my first choice. While I didn’t want soup per se, the flu was still kicking my tush, and Chicken and Dumplings was just what the doctor ordered. My two sides were Green Beans and Seasoned French Fries. Jeff chose the Monterey Chicken (which would’ve been my 2nd choice if I was feeling myself) with Mashed Potatoes and Fried Corn-on-the-Cob.
Left plate is Monterey Chicken, right one is Chicken & Dumplings
Jalapeño cornbread and homemade rolls…yumm!
Jeff’s order: Monterey Chicken with a side of Mashed Potatoes and Fried Corn-on-the-Cob
Monterey Chicken: A grilled chicken breast topped with Swiss cheese, bacon, Cheddar cheese, and diced tomato; the Mashed Potatoes are scratched-prepared, skin on, with homemade cream gravy
Chicken and Dumplings, Green Beans and Seasoned French Fries
Once I read about Ed & Kay’s pies in Road Food a few days beforehand, I had to see the mile-high meringue pies for myself! The irony is Jeff had long heard about their pies, but never stepped foot in the restaurant until I designated it as our dessert stop. LOL.
My jaw dropped when I saw:
The Mt. Everest of meringue pies
All the meringue pies were mountains like this
To view photo in Flickr, go to http://www.flickr.com/photos/yummies4tummies/4313504759
Jeff’s mind was made up quickly. He wanted a slice of Chocolate Meringue. On the other hand, I asked the waitress to repeat the slew of desserts—mostly pie—more than once. Giving into peer pressure (picking out desserts is serious business and no easy task!), I ultimately chose the Pumpkin Pie and Orange Mandarin cake.
After one bite, Jeff agreed with me, the Orange Mandarin was first-rate.
Chocolate Meringue Pie
O Chocolate, Chocolate! Where art thou Chocolate?
I’m already dreamin’ of when I can have this again
The next morning, Jeff relieved me from baking duties. So while I stayed glued to his laptop churning out posts and editing photos, he had the easy task of baking goodies for us. *giggle*
Here’s what he whipped up:
Cranberry Orange Muffins
It’s from a fat-free muffin mix
Pumpkin Bread
Also from a mix
We did some sightseeing in Little Rock. A few blocks of shops and restaurants make up the River Market district. It’s what you would see in most large cities, except for:
Wow, Little Rock also has their own Peabody Hotel in downtown! And like the one here in Memphis, their ducks have marches too.
I’ve been to 14 libraries over the years, but never had the privilege of seeing a presidential library. Guess I’m moving up in the world. And just maybe, I’ll have the opportunity to tour the inside next time.
Directory near the parking lots
William J. Clinton Presidential Library
The rectangular shape of this library is most unusual
The Little Rock Trolley zoomed by, and after some arm-twisting, we sped off in pursuit to its stopping point (near the library).
I love yellow on trolleys
Stay tuned for more of Jeff’s baking…
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