Yesterday, I baked back-to-back, well, because I wasn’t happy with the outcome of the first monkey bread. The very first Lollipop Tree mix I baked with my SIL was bonafide gooood. I knew this wouldn’t be the end of it, so I searched in vain (not really!) for more. I stopped in at Henry’s Farmers Market and spotted one mix seemingly out of place after checking the baking aisle. I asked an employee where the rest were and he replied they’d been pulled from the shelves and stored in a back room. Apparently, they were featured products during the holidays, but didn’t sell all that well. I was puzzled. I requested he bring me one of each and mentioned I was happy with the mix I recently made. He returned with two mixes.
Between the two, the Wild Blueberry Crisp required the least ingredients to be added.
It called for 1 cup water and melted butter. It baked probably 5 minutes longer than necessary (I set the timer wrong) which is why it looks dark/semi-burnt on top. Overall, I did not care for it, not one bit. I even tried to like it by making sure I cleared my palate after each bite.
I left it in the oven too long. Whoops!
Several tries later, I finally threw it away. If I had given it away, they too would have chucked it.
The moment it landed in the trash, I decided to go ahead and bake the 2nd mix. There was no point in waiting for another day.
It also required 1 cup water and melted butter, along with 1/4 cup heavy whipping cream, which I thankfully had on hand. Don’t laugh but I was a little weirded out while dumping the topping into a small bowl. You know when you’re pouring sugar into a bowl and only the cascading area moves…well, every bit of this topping was moving! It reminded me of worms! *shiver*. Was that too much information?
The meatballs ready for baking, I’m kidding
This was right before I added the topping
Caramel Cinnamon Chip Monkey Bread
To view photo in Flickr, go to
While it isn’t exemplary, it is tasty. And this one’s worth keeping, but I won’t purchase either mix again.
Looking at their website, the Chocolate Peppermint Bread Mix falls under their Dessert Bread Mixes category. I can’t wait to get a hold of the 11 others! Cherry Bread Mix with Belgian Chocolate. Cranberry Bread Mix with Crystallized Ginger. Mocha Bread Mix with Chocolate Espresso Beans. Golly, I’m watering at the mouth. 🙂
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