*****I’m thrilled to announce I have a guest reviewer (at bottom of post), who also snapped the 2nd photo below*****
I hadn’t been on a date since the Dark Ages, LOL. Jeff, someone I had been in contact with for months, had been trying to get me to go out with him, but I was keeping him at bay. Before ya think I was playing hard to get, I realize I have some explaining to do. With the failure of two serious relationships under my belt, let’s just say I was scared out of my mind with the remote possibility of letting someone new in my life. After first being invited to a Robin Williams concert, and other offers to do a shared activity, he was relentless. I finally gave in. LOL. Actually, I had to get past my trust issues. It wasn’t easy. I agonized, and lost lots of sleep over it. Weeks and weeks of sleep. Ultimately though, I realized this guy really wanted to meet me, even after disclosing I was a transplant to Memphis ’cause the job market in San Diego is awful, and I was starting my life from scratch.
Well one Saturday afternoon, I purchased a pair of one-day trolley passes, redeemable at any time. Later that night, I double-checked the weather forecast, then I bit the bullet: I asked him if he wanted to have lunch the next day. He said yes, in fact his exact words were “shoot yeah”. Weeks of not accepting his invitations, I’m pretty sure I caught him off-guard because his second response was, “You serious?”.
I had a full day planned and suggested he dress casually. A full day of walking and exploring downtown Memphis in the sun and 70-degree weather. We’d meet at the Elvis Presley Plaza around eleven. Right around 10:30 was when I became nervous as hell. I had forgotten how going on dates was a bit nerve-wracking.
Neither of us were hungry, so we rode the Riverfront Trolley a couple of times while I pointed out all the places of interest. We jumped out at Beale Street, and decided on Kooky Canuck for lunch. I got my usual and Jeff ordered this:
“The Canadian” Burger and Sweet Potato Fries
Canadian bacon, cheddar cheese, and BBQ sauce (he didn’t want the grilled onions, probably ’cause he was on a date, LOL)
Peabody Hotel is right across the street, and we stopped in to see the ducks lapping it up in luxury. They stay in a hotel fountain (in lobby) during the day and sleep in a penthouse on the rooftop at night. We had missed the morning Duck March, and hadn’t planned on watching the late afternoon one.
The Peabody Hotel fountain where the ducks stay from 11am-5pm
We weren’t the only ones who thought of taking in the views from the rooftop. One person with drink in hand highly suggested the Madison Hotel rooftop. So off we went…..
And what a view it was! Seeing the Mississippi River and surrounding buildings was incredible! At one point, I was sensing some strange vibes from Jeff. Those of you who’ve read “Celestine Prophecy” (by James Redfield) will understand what I’m talking about. The best way I can explain it is I believe I was picking up on his energy fields (auras). I learned later that it was around that time he wanted to kiss me.
Mississippi River and the Old Bridge
Downtown Memphis
Looking south from Madison Hotel rooftop
Downtown Memphis
Looking south from Madison Hotel rooftop
Downtown Memphis
Looking south from Madison Hotel rooftop
Downtown Memphis
Looking northward
We jumped on the Madison/Medical Center Trolley and went eastbound for a bit. I suppose this would be a good time to mention that Jeff was for the most part fairly quiet during our 6-hour date. I felt like I did all, um, most of the talking. I didn’t know what to think. Every time I looked over, he seemed to be smiling, so if anything, thaaaat was a good sign.
Forrest Park near the University of Tennessee Health Science Center
Cruising by on the Madison/Medical Center Trolley
Mosaics at one of the trolley stops
Mural adjacent to Autozone Park
Close to the outfield
Wonder Bread plant
On good days, you can get a whiff of bread wafting in the air
Daylight was winding down and I wanted him to experience perhaps one of the best cheesecake places he’ll ever come across in this lifetime. And so we headed back toward downtown, then boarded the Main Street trolley.
This was my selection…..
The whip cream wasn’t cooperating
”Raspberry Chocolate Cheesecake”
Raspberry cheesecake and little pieces of chocolate mixed in
Did I mention that it’s topped with raspberry sauce and plate is decorated with chocolate sauce…OMG
Jeff chose this one
Notice how his whip cream was staying put
”Caramel White Chocolate Cheesecake”
As if cheesecake wasn’t enough…there’s caramel sauce and chunks of white chocolate too
To view photo in Flickr, go to http://www.flickr.com/photos/yummies4tummies/4190762433
Hey, no fair, his whip cream barely moved!
Afterwards, we walked off the added calories on Beale Street. We had just passed a Michael Jackson song blasting, when I did the moonwalk for him in front of Hard Rock Cafe.
We still had time to visit my favorite park in downtown, so we hustled over to see the cannons and the view of the Mississippi River before it got super dark.
The date began with a hug and ended with one too. To my surprise, he remembered me mentioning my newfound fave author, and loaned me two of his David Baldacci novels (he gets 2 bonus points for that).
Overall, I certainly had fun, but the jury was still out on Jeff.
Jeff’s cheesecake review:
On a fairly recent outing to Memphis, I found myself in the immensely enjoyable company of the author of this fine blog. While playing dutiful host, she forced me to accompany her to the Cheese Cake Corner for a sampling of their fine wares. OK, maybe ‘forced’ is a little strong, more like asked me if I wanted to go. Not being one to pass up dessert, especially when in such fine company, I gladly accepted the invitation. That was the last easy choice I made, as there was an abundance of scrumptious looking flavors available once we got there. After much waffling and indecision (Should I get the raspberry chocolate, or maybe the chocolate chip? Perhaps the strawberry chocolate would be a better choice. Maybe I should try something out of the ordinary as I don’t get the opportunity to eat here often. And so on.) I finally picked the Caramel White Chocolate. My first impression: amazing presentation, as the cheesecake was in the middle of an oversized plate, and it was generously drizzled with powdered sugar, graham cracker crumbs from the crust, and caramel sauce, with a mound of whipped cream on top as the pièce de résistance. From the first bite I was convinced I made the right choice – the combination of caramel and white chocolate was divine, and the chunks of white chocolate on top added depth to the texture. A note of caution though – it was VERY rich, so make sure you have something to drink or you may OD on it. I recommend unflavored water, so as not to dilute the flavor of the cheesecake. Even with the water, it was so rich I wasn’t able to finish it try as I might. Luckily, they do have takeout containers so I was able to bring it home and finish it later. The cheesecake was definitely worth the price of admission, and I am hopeful that I will get another invite in the future.
As for the age old debate as to whether cheesecake is in fact cake or pie, I don’t really know (nor care) – I can just tell you if you are in Memphis and want to taste some mighty fine cheesecake, this is the place to be.
Stayed tuned for Date #2…
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