Categories: Cakes, My Baking & Cooking

Black and White Cookie Ripple Coffee Cake

Black & White Cookie Ripple Coffee Cake

Black and White Cookie Ripple Coffee Cake

The name’s a mouthful!!! This recipe was one of the millions on my “To Bake” list since I started planning this blog/site. I found it in Marcy Goldman’s “A Passion For Baking” cookbook and have been dreaming about it ever since. I hadn’t had an Oreo since–wait, how long has it been?–I guess last year, and I figured whatever’s leftover from this recipe surely wouldn’t go to waste. LOL.

Black & White Cookie Ripple Coffee Cake

Unlike what it seems, this is an easy recipe. With the tablespoon of vanilla, it gives the cake almost a banana-y taste. It’s definitely a fun cake with the Oreos in 3-D, you can’t help but be enticed by such a cool-lookin’ cake.

Black & White Cookie Ripple Coffee Cake

To view photo in Flickr, go to

Before I give the recipe, I don’t know what it is with me and buttermilk. Just like the Pumpkin Bread recipe, I open the carton and start pouring in the measuring cup, and out flows the milk with orange particles. Yuck! I never buy expired or close-to-being expired milk. The buttermilk for the Pumpkin Bread and this cake were purchased from different grocery stores. Ugh! End rant.

And because I always give credit where it’s due–the glaze recipe is from another cooking blog, The Biscuit Pusher. Notice how her cake and my photos look alike? No, I didn’t *borrow* her photos, besides my cake has a crack on the bottom, something I only noticed a few minutes ago. I’m guessing it happened when I flipped the cake over to a plate from the tube pan, only to flip it back onto the platter.

Black & White Cookie Ripple Coffee Cake

If you’re an Oreo Cookie Monster, go ‘head and add a couple more chopped cookies before placing in the oven.

Black and White Cookie Ripple Coffee Cake

  • 1 cup unsalted butter, softened
  • 2 cups sugar
  • 6 large eggs
  • 1 tablespoon vanilla extract
  • 1 3/4 cups buttermilk*
  • 4 cups all-purpose flour
  • 4 teaspoons baking powder
  • 1/4 teaspoon baking soda
  • 1/2 teaspoon salt
  • 30+ coarsely chopped sandwich cookies (Oreos)

*I used 1 3/4 cups milk + 1 3/4 tablespoons white vinegar. I waited 5 minutes before stirring.


  • Soften butter by letting it stand for 30-45 minutes at room temperature OR cut into chunks and allow to stand for 15 minutes at room temperature
  • Coarsely chop the Oreos – I put 20 chopped cookies in one bowl (for filling) and the rest in another bowl (topping)


  1. Preheat oven to 350 F. Spray a tube pan with nonstick cooking spray.
  2. In bowl, mix together the flour, baking powder, baking soda, and salt.
  3. In a mixer bowl, cream softened butter and sugar on medium speed until well blended. Add eggs 2 at a time, and blend on medium speed until blended, scraping bowl often to make sure no butter or sugar sticks to the bottom. Add vanilla and buttermilk and blend well. Fold in the dry ingredients and blend until batter is smooth, about 2 to 4 minutes.
  4. Pour 2/3 of the batter into prepared pan. Sprinkle 2/3 of cookie pieces over batter (the 20 cookies), putting more on perimeter than direction in middle area (cookie pieces are less likely to sink when dispersed this way). Top with remaining batter and top batter evenly with remaining cookie pieces.
  5. Bake 45 minutes and then reduce oven temp to 325 F. Finish baking until cake tests done with a cake tester that almost comes out clean, another 15-20 minutes. Cool 10 minutes in pan before turning cake out onto a serving plate. Let cake cool completely before adding glaze.


  • 1 cup powdered sugar
  • 2 tablespoons melted butter
  • 1/2 teaspoon vanilla
  • 2-6 tablespoons buttermilk*

*I measured 6 tablespoons milk + not quite half a tablespoon of white vinegar. I waited 5 minutes before stirring.


Whisk sugar, butter and vanilla together. Slowly add enough buttermilk to make a thin glaze (I didn’t use all the milk). Drizzle glaze over top of cake with a fork or whisk. Let glaze set.

Take a looksie at my other yummy recipes!
Check out my video clips on YouTube!
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5 comments for “Black and White Cookie Ripple Coffee Cake”

  1. I use a version of that glaze for anything and everything that calls for powdered sugar glaze. I *always* use 2 tbsps of melted butter to 1 cup of powdered sugar, then thin it with whatever milk product I have on hand. This version is one I will lick off a spoon, but I think the water/powdered sugar version is just nasty. 🙂

    oh, and the cake is awesome too!

    1 Posted by Melissa | February 10, 2009, 12:38 pm
  2. I can totally do this dairy free and I cannot wait! It looks soo freaking yummy! Oreos are dairy free, which is awesome. I have downed at least 5 pkgs since I discovered this around xmas…not sure how awesome that is.

    2 Posted by Theresa | February 28, 2009, 10:24 am
  3. This cake has the look of a winner. I am sure it is.

    Some cakes just stand out. This one does.

    3 Posted by Chaya | August 7, 2009, 7:24 am
  4. This cake looks heavenly! I happen to have the “A Passion For Baking” book and maybe I just skipped right by this recipe because I don’t remember it. But now that I see your photos, I’m feeling the urge to bake it. Beautiful cake and wonderful photos! Yum!

    4 Posted by Heidi | November 22, 2009, 12:08 am
  5. Looks beautiful and delicious!

    5 Posted by Amanda | December 29, 2009, 12:51 pm

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I'm trying to get back into posting more here. I guess you could say I've been distracted. Since late February, I've been reading everything I can about COVID-19 (from reputable news sites like CBS, ABC, NBC, CNN, and tweets from medical professionals). This virus is a monster. From what was initially a virus that was detrimental to the older population is now affecting children and young adults as well. It is no longer a respiratory illness, but one whose symptoms can vary and be just as deadly. The scary part is there is no standard treament or vaccine yet so the best thing hubs and I can do is be prepared. Early on (late Feb), we bought extra cleaning supplies, hand sanitizer, and toilet paper (LOL). In March, I bought everything I needed to make fabric masks (i.e. sewing machine & gadgets, cotton fabrics, non-woven interfacing for the middle layer, thread, rotary cutter, etc). The following month, I started sewing. The pattern I used called for 7" elastic loop for each mask but that wasn't gonna work universally 'cause hubby required a larger size and I needed smaller. So for everyone else who wanted a mask, I cut the elastic (shown here) so they can adjust the fit to their liking. #fabricmask #3layermask #noseandmouthcovering #pandemictimes #covid19 #thenewnormal #shelterinplace2020 #willwearmaskpubliclyuntiligetvaccinated #germany #igersgermany #germany_insta #ig_germany #rhinelandpfalz #rhinelandpalatinate #rheinlandpfalz
I'm trying to get back into posting more here. I guess you could say I've been distracted. Since late February, I've been reading everything I can about COVID-19 (from reputable news sites like CBS, ABC, NBC, CNN, and tweets from medical professionals). This virus is a monster. From what was initially a virus that was detrimental to the older population is now affecting children and young adults as well. It is no longer a respiratory illness, but one whose symptoms can vary and be just as deadly. The scary part is there is no standard treament or vaccine yet so the best thing hubs and I can do is be prepared. Early on (late Feb), we bought extra cleaning supplies, hand sanitizer, and toilet paper (LOL). In March, I bought everything I needed to make fabric masks (i.e. sewing machine & gadgets, cotton fabrics, non-woven interfacing for the middle layer, thread, rotary cutter, etc). The following month, I started sewing. The pattern I used called for 7" elastic loop for each mask but that wasn't gonna work universally 'cause hubby required a larger size and I needed smaller. So for everyone else who wanted a mask, I cut the elastic (shown here) so they can adjust the fit to their liking. #fabricmask #3layermask #noseandmouthcovering #pandemictimes #covid19 #thenewnormal #shelterinplace2020 #willwearmaskpubliclyuntiligetvaccinated #germany #igersgermany #germany_insta #ig_germany #rhinelandpfalz #rhinelandpalatinate #rheinlandpfalz




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