I’m a bookstore junkie. I can easily spend hoursssss on end perusing through books. Chalk it up to the nerd in me. The last time I was at Borders, I only had one hour before I had to be on my merry way, so I opted to spend time in the Cooking section gawking at mouth-watering dessert recipes. Just as I started to leave, this particular book stopped me in my tracks and I’m sure I even let out a laugh.
Leave it to a guy to write a cookbook on dating rituals between men and women. I didn’t have a lot of time, but I did manage to flip through the book and lo and behold, the author’s “closer” is a dessert recipe! Awwwww, a man after my own heart.
BTW, the author is onto something. When it comes to dating, a man who cooks, and cooks well, gets bonus points.
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