A few Saturdays ago, Autozone Park hosted the annual Scoop Day. Proceeds went to the Ronald McDonald House Charities (admission covers all the treat samples), and I surely was NOT going to let my lactose intolerance prevent my attendance. Kids were everywhere, and rightly so! Everywhere you turned there were tables of different ice cream vendors replete with all the toppings (some really went all out!). The obvious hit was the face painting area, where the line of people snaked around the barriers waiting their turns to be made-up. On the stage by the entrance, an ensemble of young kids and teens performed an African dance (and music too!)—and according to the schedule—I just missed the ice cream feeding contest.
The good news for me is I was able to partake in some of the food (I can’t eat ice cream anymore), not that I was wholly expecting it.
My first round of goodies
Peach Vitamin Water, cotton candy, brownieeeee, banana slices topped with hot fudge sauce and semi-sweet morsels
My concoction
Eating the brownie separately would’ve been blah, LOL
To view photo in Flickr, go to http://www.flickr.com/photos/yummies4tummies/4023879752
My second round of eats
Popcorn and a plain hot dog (sometimes I leave off the ketchup)
View from where I sat eating my dog
I bet you’re wondering if I ate all that food. The ‘dog and the brownie “sundae” definitely didn’t go to waste. 😛
I was saving room for my next stop, the State Fair at the Fairgrounds, but……… thanks to their cash-only policy, I left a little miffed. Why they wouldn’t let me gain entry to quickly use their ATM inside is beyond me. I even negotiated leaving my wallet. The god’s honest truth is I was hoping to finally score a deep-fried Twinkie or candy bar. What’s another year of not biting into that fat-laden mess, right? And just maybe I’m doing my arteries a huge favor. LOL.
What I devoured for dinner will be covered in my next post…
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