Unlike our last date when I closely supervised Jeff’s baking, our first time baking together was a smashing success! We followed the recipe on the Pineapple Supreme Cake Mix box to a tee.
Once it cooled down some, I tried a bite, but the flavor–and we both agree on this–was INCREDIBLE the following day!
Next time, I’ll use the drained juice (from the sliced pineapples) for the 1 cup water the recipe calls for.
Cooling down (read: before I snuck a bite)
To view photo in Flickr, go to http://www.flickr.com/photos/yummies4tummies/4405493060
My first “official” slice (the following day) :p
To view photo in Flickr, go to http://www.flickr.com/photos/yummies4tummies/4404747487
I promise you this recipe will be the star at any picnic or barbecue.
Next post will be Double Chocolate Chip Muffins. Jeff added a “secret” ingredient to make it triply delicious.
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